Transformative couples therapy

We are an online training center with the goal to help therapists evoke and amplify the power of the felt experience of love in the couples we treat.

To begin the process of transforming relationships, the therapist guides couple members to talk directly to each other from the first moments of the opening session. 

For many couple therapists this direct contact between couple members requires a stretch of trust. Many therapists have learned in their training that they must be “in the middle” between the couple members, even supplying words and phrases for them to speak to each other. This way of keeping the couple members safe springs from the fear: “What if they start escalating?” 

When therapists practice our methods of providing a container that builds a secure base between couple members, they report being surprised that spontaneous, respectful, authentic, safe and well-regulated interactions emerge within sessions and between sessions as well.

Therapists help couples break through stuckness and reactivity and evoke the flexible trust and resilience which has been so much needed.

This way of engaging neuroplasticity prepares the therapist to help couples to shift away from patterns of hot and cold conflict and loneliness. They build new body-based pathways of connection and healing every session.

OUR Approach


  • Attachment-based, affective neuroscience-informed

  • A body-oriented model based on the Seven Channels of Experience

  • Enlivening biological drives that mobilize healing, repair, love, and connection

  • TCT is a four-state transformational model based on AEDP: Relational and Internal Defenses, Core Affect, Mastery and Vitality Affects and Core State

  • We offer life-changing interventions that begin in the first session: Couples learn to say what they want with each other and let go of patterns of criticism.

Toward the end of treatment: stabilizing and fortifying change for lasting results

  • We respond to bumps in the road between sessions that are described in session, slow down, and facilitate healing repairs.

  • We teach therapists to help couples replace defensive patterns with responsive attunement and that is a central marker of earned -secure attachment.

when the going gets rough

  • We forge resilient connections during periods of hot or cold conflict and provide alternatives that naturally weave into the couples lives.  

  • We open selective somatic awareness through Seven Channels of Experience as an alternative to judging and projecting.

The final phase of treatment involves couple members mindfully practicing the new methods they have developed during treatment. Their sessions that are spaced increasingly further apart. These check-in sessions foster and reinforce self-facilitated, skillful attunement and repair of small disruptions on a day-to-day basis that becomes the new-normal in daily life.